rose bouquet typically consists of several roses of various colors and types, arranged together in a pleasing and elegant manner. The bouquet may include long-stemmed roses, which are commonly used for their beauty and symbolic meaning. The colors of the roses can vary, with popular choices including red, pink, white, and yellow. The bouquet may also include greenery or other flowers to complement the roses and add texture and depth to the arrangement. Overall, a rose bouquet is a classic and timeless gift that conveys love, admiration, and appreciation.
QFFHB012 Emma fresh flowers bouquet
$200.00 – $250.00
Beautiful roses bouquet that will delight your special one
Categories: Bouquets, Queenflora
Tags: Anniversary, Baby Shower, Birthday, Children's Day, Chinese New Year, Christmas, Congratulations, Deepavali, Easter's Day, Farewell, Father's Day, Good Friday, Graduation, Grand Opening, Hari Raya, House Warming, I Am Sorry, Just Because, Labour Day, Love N Romance, Mid Autumn, Miss You, Mother's Day, National Day, New Born, New Year's Day, Sympathy, Teacher's Day, Thank You, Vesak Day
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