A sunflower bouquet typically features vibrant, large sunflowers arranged with greenery or other complementary flowers. The sunflowers, known for their bright yellow petals and large, circular centers, can create a cheerful and striking arrangement. Greenery such as eucalyptus leaves or ferns might be added to enhance the bouquet’s texture and color palette. Some bouquets may also include smaller flowers in contrasting colors to complement the sunflowers.
Divine Fresh Flowers Bouquet
Categories: Bouquets, Queenflora
Tags: Anniversary, Baby Shower, Birthday, Children's Day, Chinese New Year, Christmas, Congratulations, Deepavali, Easter's Day, Farewell, Father's Day, Good Friday, Graduation, Grand Opening, Hari Raya, House Warming, I Am Sorry, Just Because, Labour Day, Love N Romance, Mid Autumn, Miss You, Mother's Day, National Day, New Born, New Year's Day, Sympathy, Teacher's Day, Thank You, Vesak Day
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