A sunflower bouquet typically features vibrant yellow sunflowers arranged with complementary foliage or other flowers. Sunflowers are known for their large, round blooms with a dark center, surrounded by bright yellow petals that radiate outwards. The bouquet can be designed in various styles, such as rustic with wildflowers and greens, or more formal with additional blooms like roses or daisies. Overall, sunflower bouquets are cheerful and perfect for adding a touch of sunshine to any occasion.
Dreamy Fresh Flowers Bouquet
Categories: Bouquets, Queenflora
Tags: Anniversary, Baby Shower, Birthday, Children's Day, Chinese New Year, Christmas, Congratulations, Deepavali, Easter's Day, Farewell, Father's Day, Good Friday, Graduation, Grand Opening, Hari Raya, House Warming, I Am Sorry, Just Because, Labour Day, Love N Romance, Mid Autumn, Miss You, Mother's Day, National Day, New Born, New Year's Day, Sympathy, Teacher's Day, Thank You, Vesak Day
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